
              哈咯,光阴似箭,再多一个月就是我的生日咯!转眼间,我就要26岁.回想起26年前,我的妈妈在吉隆波华人接生院把我生下!当时的她一定是很痛的,在此我想说声,妈妈谢谢您,我爱您!这些年,我都在安乐窝里(Comfort Zone)长大.如果要成功,我必须走出安乐窝朝向冒险区!人生短暂,最近我有一位学院同学病逝,留下妻儿两人!我蛮同情她们!

              Hi, time flies, another a month is my 26th Birthday. Think back 26 years ago, my mom delivered me at Chinese Materinty Hospital in KL. She must be painful that moment. I would like to appreciate highest appreciations and thank you mommy. These years I was living in the comfort zone. I am moving from comfort zone to uncomfort zone. Life's short, I have a college friend passed away due to diseases and left his wife and kids. I am pity his family members for lossing him.


sekinchan 2  


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