
      Hi, firstly I would like to say hi to my bloggers once again at pixnet. Well, tonight topics will be W's car plates and its interesting stories behind. Well, for Malaysian drivers specially Klang Valley drivers are crazy towards W's Car Plates(Wilayah Persekutuan).

      Interestingly, from W1 till WYY9999 has been the remarkable of the Wilayah Car Plates stories for the past half century. Initially W Car Plates resgistration orders are far behind B(Selangor) Car Plates in the earlier 70's till 90's decades in Malaysia Car Plates Registration.

      Things changed when in lates 90's and approcahing Millenium Year of the 2000 where W's Car Plates had overtaken B's Car Plates since then. Thereafter, the crazy chasing for W car plates has emerged. I still remembered vividly that when the time in 1998, my dad new car was BFL XXXX while the Wilayah Plates already WGN XXXX at that time.

      Things happened more interesting after 7 years where I got my driving licence and my dad bought me a new car at that time was BHN XXXX and Wilayah plates has advanced to WMP XXXX. We make an assumptions here, In 1998, W has advanced B for an alphabhet in the middle word of the car plates. 7 years later, W has advanced B plates for 4 alphabets in the middle word.

      Moreover, 6 years later in the 2011 Dec, I bought a new car and that time my car was BLM XXXX while Wilayah plates were crazy and advanced it to WWC XXXX. Based on this facts, after 6 years W has advanced B for 10 middle alphabets.

      Now in the last quarter of 2013, B plates still in the middle of M middle alphabet where the latest plate is BMH XXXX while the Wilayah plates are proud to complete the cycle and happily enjoy WYY XXXX plates now.

      Well, perhaps interesting stories are coming soon. Actually I have missed my ideal car plates in last century whereas I was not in this world yet at 1970's. My ideal plate is WM XXXX stands for William Mak. Things turned around again for Wilayah Car Plates fans is a good news for them. As it will back to W1A-WYY9999Y again in this coming new series of car plates.

      My ideal WM now will become my favorite car plates and estimated to get that to that number is 8-10 years time. Now it will be WM XXXX A for my ideal car plates. WM XXXX is sure but just not yet decide the last word ideal alphabet yet. So Wilayah plates and its interesting stories behind the few decades in Malaysia fastest car plates registration in the history.



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